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Individual / Professionals you must create a Pro account Individuals for an easy ad management, you can create a Member account
Ad type :
Offered Wanted Swap Donation
Youtube, Dailymotion, Vimeo or Yahoo video
Rates and Availabilities:
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Depending on the size of your files, the download may take several minutes.(optionnel) PDF, DOC, DOCX ou ODT
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You can upload 5 picture(s) FOR FREE + 10 in the paying packDepending on your picture's size, the upload may take several minutes.
The price of the photo pack is : 1 500,00 CFA
10 more photos
No top of the list option
My ad bumps up to top of the list everyday during : 3 Days(s) : 3 000,00 CFA
My ad bumps up to top of the list everyday during : 7 Days(s) : 5 000,00 CFA
My ad bumps up to top of the list everyday during : 15 Days(s) : 9 000,00 CFA
My ad bumps up to top of the list everyday during : 21 Days(s) : 13 500,00 CFA
My ad bumps up to top of the list everyday during : 30 Days(s) : 18 000,00 CFA
No premium option
My ad will be premium during : 7 Days(s) : 4 000,00 CFA
My ad will be premium during : 15 Days(s) : 7 000,00 CFA
No urgent logo option
Urgent logo on my ad during : 7 Days(s) : 1 000,00 CFA
Urgent logo on my ad during : 15 Days(s) : 1 500,00 CFA
Urgent logo on my ad during : 30 Days(s) : 2 500,00 CFA
No featured ad option
My Featured ad during : 7 Days(s) : 1 500,00 CFA
My Featured ad during : 15 Days(s) : 2 000,00 CFA
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